11 September 2024

Obituary Colin Fournier

It is with deep sadness that we announce the passing of Colin Fournier, a brilliant architect and cherished member of the Daylight Academy (DLA). Colin passed away on 4 September 2024, leaving behind a legacy of innovation and visionary architecture. 

We were lucky to count him among our founding members and his commitment was invaluable. His regular participation in our meetings enriched every discussion, offering insights, fresh ideas, and a boundless passion for architecture as well as daylight research. Colin was not only a gifted architect but also a dedicated teacher, eloquent speaker and a truly kind human being. 

Last year, he contributed with enthusiasm to the DLA Blog by sharing insights about his Circadian House, an experimental dwelling lit entirely by natural light, from dawn to dusk. This futuristic project was featured in the “Lighten Up!” exhibition at EPFL Pavilions last year. His forward-thinking approach to the Circadian House showcased the power daylight has in shaping human experiences within living spaces, resonating deeply with our mission at the Daylight Academy. 

Colin Fournier will be remembered not only for his extraordinary professional achievements but also for his warmth, generosity, and enduring curiosity. His presence at DLA meetings will be sorely missed, and we are immensely grateful for the time he has given us. 

Our thoughts are with his family, friends, and colleagues. 

DLA Steering Committee & team